HEXEvent - a database of Human EXon splicing Events

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News --- hg38 ---

HEXEvent was updated to human genome version hg38. An older version is available for hg19 .

About the database

HEXEvent is a free database that provides a list of human internal exons and reports all their known splice events based on EST information from the UCSC Genome Browser . This list can be restricted by the user to either only a specific region in the genome (by specifying the chromosome, the strand and the start and end position), to a whole chromosome or to a group of genes. Furthermore, exons can be filtered according to their splicing type (constitutive exons, cassette exons and exons with one or more alternative 3' and/or 5' splice sites).

In order to extract a customized set of exons, the user-specific definitions of exon types can be fixed. The user needs to specify in what fraction of ESTs an exon is allowed to be alternatively spliced in order to still be called constitutive. Furthermore, the user can restrict the set of requested cassette exons by a certain upper inclusion level, which, for instance, is useful when only looking for low-inclusion exons.

What exons are you looking for?


Chromosome: (e.g.: chr1)
Strand: (e.g.: -)
Start position (0-based): (e.g.: 11700000 or 11,700,000)
End position (0-based): (e.g.: 12000000 or 12,000,000)

[?] (e.g.: ACTB,GUSB)
(not more than 100 genes at a time)

(e.g.: chrX)

Type of exon: [?]

Refine the exon type: [?] An exon is still called constitutive, if it is alternatively spliced in at most % of the ESTs.
Only show cassette exons up to an inclusion level of less than % of the ESTs.
(Only used when cassette exons are selected above.)
Only show alternative 3' splice site exons up to an usage level of the major splice site of less than % of the ESTs.
(Only used when alternative 3' splice site exons are selected above.)
Only show alternative 5' splice site exons up to an usage level of the major splice site of less than % of the ESTs.
(Only used when alternative 5' splice site exons are selected above.)

Would you like a strict definition of exon types? [?]

Result display:

last data update: 2017-September-29, last software update: 2018-February-28